WP Audition Workshop 2023

Saturday, November 18th, 2023 | 9:00a-2:00p | Shea Center

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About the Workshop

  • Designed to assist high school juniors/seniors and those who wish to transfer from any community college who plan to audition for university-level music programs, either to be music majors or to get into an ensemble/receive a scholarship.
  • Open to woodwind and brass players, percussionists, pianists and vocalists
  • Informational sessions over topics such as repertoire selection, preparation, stage presentation and more!
  • Masterclass performance opportunities for all participants
  • Hosted and led by WP's woodwind, brass, percussion, voice and piano faculty.
  • Pianists will be provided for vocal participants. Woodwind, brass, percussion need not use piano accompaniment.


  • Dr. Carl Bolleia, piano
  • Dr. Lauren Fowler-Calisto, voice
  • Dr. Carol Frierson-Campbell, brass/music education
  • Professor Hannah Comia, piano
  • Dr. Christopher Herbert, voice
  • Dr. Teresa Purcell-Giles, flute/woodwinds


all events take place in Shea 103

8:15-9:00 am- Check-in/On-site Registration/Meet & Greet w/ Faculty

9:00 a- Welcome & Introductions

9:15 a- 20-minute Sessions w/ 5-minute Transitions- Rotating Presenters*

  • Session 1: 9:15-9:35 (Announcing and Presenting Yourself, Chris Herbert)
  • Session 2: 9:40-10:00 (What Jurors Look and Listen For, Teresa Purcell-Giles)
  • Session 3: 10:05-10:25 (It’s the Day of My Audition: What to Know, Do and Expect, Teresa Purcell-Giles)

10:30 a- WP Faculty & Student Showcase Recital

11:00 a- Transition to Lunch

11:15 a- Lunch n’ Learn

  • Boxed lunch provided by WP Music Dept.
  • Panel Discussion w/ Faculty & Moderator over Auditions
  • Topics- Choosing repertoire, stage presence, attire, majors/double-majors, scholarships, etc
  • Students may submit questions to be answered by panel about topics ranging from audition details to navigating scholarships to admission and curriculum.

12:00 p- Break/Transition/Warm-Up

12:30 p- Area Seminar/Masterclass (WW/Brass/Percussion/Voice/Piano)

  • Area-specific discussion of topics pertinent to auditioning on each instrument
  • Students can opt in/out of mock auditions upon online registration

2:00 p- ADJOURN

  • Faculty/Staff available to answer further questions about WP Music, application process and auditions.

Questions About this Event?

Email Dr. Teresa Purcell-Giles @ purcellgilest@wpunj.edu

Registration is free, but required! Deadline is Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM.


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Director of Bands

Music Admissions

Mailing Address

Dr. Teresa Purcell-Giles


Shea 171 (office)

(973) 720-3935

Skyler Hagner, Coordinator

musicadmissions@ wpunj.edu

Shea 135 (Office)

(973) 720-3466

300 Pompton Rd.

Wayne, NJ 07470